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The tassel suq

The tassel suq Cords

We had a lovely day several days ago, when two friends went with me on a search for notions and odds and ends, and found the tassel suq. This is a long row of shops selling all sorts of handmade upholstery bits and pieces - if you can make it with silk cords or fluff (which I have doubts about as they look like rayon to me) then it is here!

And even more tassels Men at the Fabric Suq
I have always loved chairs because ever since seeing Vincent Van Gogh's yellow bedroom I have realised they imply the presence of people. Also - they are great shapes, especially repeated.

Tangled cords in the tassel suq And more tassels
Tassels lie like slugs View from a window looking across the Nile to Zamalek
Cottons in the second hand fabric area

I have been exploring back streets of the suq area by happily accompanying strange men who tell me to come with them.

The dyeing place

No children, don't follow my example. I did have friends with me, but this is Achmed, who brought me to a really interesting place where people were dyeing silks (though I suspect rayons) in old baths and in industrial quantities.

Silks waiting to be dyed
They call it silk but it may be rayon Dyed 'silks' drying on the roof
Keep on going through the photos to see the tassels and cords that are made with this stuff!

Cards in the paper suq
Look carefully and you will see the three of us with the street behind us in the reflections.

The card suq is a revelation. If it can be made in paper it is here. It can be remearkably over the top, adn efffusive, but also so elegant. It is cheap, with lovely embossed card blanks with envelopes selling at about one hundred for twenty Australian dollars.

Cards from the paper suq Dolls for confirmation parties for Coptic Christians
Wedding invitations from an order for fifteen hundred
Wedding invitations from an order for fifteen hundred, with the bride and groom's first names in Arabic and gold.

A tangle of dolls in the wedding suq Have glue gun....
Wedding dolls, labels, tulle and lace, all ready for wedding favours with the glue gun waiting.

Buttons and cheap beads Button drawers in blue
... and button drawers in red

Reader Comments (4)

Hi Jenny,
So help me I went into "Stitches" yesterday to buy some black metallic thread and came out with a new sewing machine (Aurora) I thought perhaps I should leave the thread for a while but how would I go let loose in the tassel suq??? Canberra is getting colder - zero at 6AM and supposed to reach a max of 13o.

Regards Helen

May 26, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterHelen from Canberra

Most wonderful photos, Jenny! Thanks for sharing. Lots of design elements worth stealing...

May 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterRayna

Jenny, thank you so much for taking the time out of a very busy life to share your experiences with the rest of us left back here. I guess most will never have the chance to see some of the things we are now able to view through your eyes, and I for one am very thankful for your story telling ability, and your willingness to share. Some thrilling times to come, obviously!

Hi Jenny,
Thanks again from the wonderful photos and descriptions. Loved the last lot of images of the buttons. I would love to be let loose in there.

As Helen said the temps are dropping (just how I like it), although days are clear and sunny. Started sewing again after hiatus of 6 months (now in remission) - some of your images of patterns have inspired me to make garments and acessories using the pattern as a decorative base.

Regards, Liz

May 30, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterLiz from Queanbeyan

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